Admin & Finance

Admin Department

Herat Heart Hospital has created a regular administrative system that includes planning and organizing human resources to achieve quantitative and qualitative goals and also includes the following departments: administrative management, human resources, logistics and communications.

Herat Heart Hospital has been able to train and hire specialized and skilled human resources in the department of recruitment and training of administrative and health workers, keeping in mind the administrative and health standards, and it is still ready to serve. Herat Heart Hospital conducts mandatory health meetings and follows up on all the obstacles and challenges created in a timely manner, examines the relevant opinions and complaints, and puts the problems of the patients as in its priority.

Finance Department:

The financial affairs of Herat Heart Hospital, including internal financial affairs (incomes and expenses), have been provided to the employees on a daily basis by designing a regular reporting system that makes reports transparent by systematically recording and archiving financial documents. The priority in financial work is to carry out financial affairs outside the hospital, which includes financial relations with the government and foreign Organization, drug companies and medical equipment companies (domestic and foreign) in a regular and accurate manner, responding to payments in exchange for receiving goods and services. The basis of the standards and criteria of the relevant law that determines the level of social satisfaction of Herat Heart Hospital with a high quantitative and qualitative standard at the provincial, regional and national level. In addition, Herat Heart Hospital has always cooperated with all patients in reducing the cost of health services, and the satisfaction of patients is the top priority of the leadership and the specialized and service team of Herat Heart Hospital.


Admission is the first step for patients to enter the hospital, in briefly admission as a messaging system of the treatment department performs its task. The reception is obliged to provide clear and understandable information for the patients, and this should be done by respecting the rights of the patients and establishing good communication between the hospital and the clients.

This department is proud to serve patients 24 hours a day and night. The member of employees in this department are two people in a day shift and one person in night shift.